Prices & Packages

We create a unified experience for company’s customers. It is important to figure out your core values and how to articulate them. Branding usually includes logo, brand colors, fonts, website design, photography style, iconography, social media visual strategy and Instagram post templates.

Approximate cost: €3000-€10,000

Packaging design is the process of designing product packaging to securely contain, identify and deliver a product. We will create and source everything from boxes, containers and labels.

Approximate cost: €800-€1500 for a product group

This is the branding piece with the greatest variability in cost, with projects getting more expensive as they require more user research, prototyping, content creation, and engineering work. Pricing is largely dependent on the complexity of engineering requirements and the number of iterations you want to go through.

Generally, you have static marketing sites on the lower end, websites built on lightweight content management systems (i.e. a custom visual design built to run on WordPress) in the middle, and web applications managing heavy databases or a more robust CMS on the higher end.

Approximate cost: €1500-€5000

Photography fees are completely bespoke. It depends on your needs and requirements.

Approximate cost: starting at €250-€1200 

We love styling and photography. If you are planning a campaign for your brand – we’d love to dive into it. We do everything starting from the idea, styling, arranging props, finding models and production.

Approximate cost: starting at €800

Approximate cost: €500

Approximate cost: €250-€400 / month 

Branding usually includes logo, brand colors, fonts, signature and documents templates. We provide brandbook.

Approximate cost: €1500-€3000